

Deryn P. Verity Associate Editor, JALT Journal

Exploring the Dialectic: An Interview with James P. Lantolf

JALT Journal Volume 29, No.1, May 2007, pp. 123-130.

このインタビューのなかで、ラントルフ氏は、ヴィゴツキーの諸概念が一種の流行語となってしまい安易に使われてしまい、概念が本来もつ深さを失っていることを懸念していることを表明しています。自分自身、ヴィゴツキーを読むことは、最初には簡単に思えたが、きちんと読むにつれ、そこには深遠な存在論(a profound new ontology of what it means to be human, p. 128)がわかったと彼は言います。次はそれに続く発言です。

This is a long-winded way of getting to my answer – the single most important notion to be discovered in Vygotsky is his dialectical perspective on human consciousness. Until this notion emerges in your thinking, you are left with a collection of concepts (the ZPD, private speech, mediation, activity, sense, meaning, etc.). (p. 129)

しかし(私のような哲学好きとってはともかく)、 “dialectical”とは重たい言葉です。多くの人はそれを “dialogical”と混同してしまうかもしれません。そういった誤解を予想してか、インタビュアーは次のように尋ねます。

Could you unpack the term dialectical? How does it differ from contextual or interrelated? Is something is done in dialogue, does that make it dialectical?

しかしラントルフ氏は、ここでの “dialectical”とはあくまでも「弁証法的」概念であると明言します。



To function dialectically means to be able to hold in one cognitive space notions that on the surface appear to be contrary (learning / development, implicit / explicit knowledge, input / output, etc.) and to come to understand how these seeming contraries fit together as necessary components of the object of study.

Dialogue and context are events and spaces. What matters is the quality of what happens in these events and spaces. A dialogue for instance can be antagonistic rather than dialectical. A dialogue can also be cooperative and even collaborative without being dialectical. (p. 129)


SLA is still functioning under a set of dichotomies that I think have prevented us from fully understanding the nature of language learning and teaching. These include competence / performance, learning / acquisition, input / output, leaning / use, individual / social, explicit / implicit knowledge, teaching / assessment, teacher-centered / learner-centered pedagogy, et cetera. At the moment I am carrying out what is likely to be an extended project on what SLA would look like from a dialectical rather than a dichotic perspective. (p. 129)


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